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Staff & Teacher Appreciation Campaign 2019

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to this year's annual Staff Teacher Appreciation Campaign ("STAC")! The Clifton School PTA invites all families to thank Clifton School Teachers and Staff for their tireless work and dedication to our children. From now through December 13th, “Show Your Love” by making a donation toward the teacher and staff holiday bonus. Your contributions will be pooled and evenly distributed among teachers and staff (excluding administration) from both campuses during the annual Holiday Appreciation Breakfast. Every year, teachers and staff look forward to this monetary bonus to help them ring in the new year!


You may donate online using the "donate" link to the right of this website, clicking here, or by dropping off your donation at either campus. The suggested donation amount is one week's worth of tuition per child, but no amount is too big or too small! Your contributions will be pooled and evenly distributed among teachers and staff (excluding administration) from both campuses during the annual Holiday Appreciation Breakfast. Every year, teachers and staff look forward to this monetary bonus to help them ring in the new year!




You may donate online using the "donate" link to the right of this website, click here, or you may drop off your donation at either campus.

Thanks in advance for your support of our great teachers.Let’s show them our love!